BLI med / join


Apply here, as a member you get:

  • Access to our member workshops for both English and Norwegian.

  • Discount code for discounts on external workshops and shows

  • Impro Neuf t-shirt

  • Opportunity to take a bigger part in our wonderful and social community


    Apply here, as a student member you get:

    • Access to our shows English and Norwegian.

    • Discount code for discounts on external workshops and shows

    • Impro Neuf t-shirt

    • Opportunity to take a bigger part in our wonderful and social community

    Advanced MEMBER/MEDLEM

    Apply here, as a member you get:

    • Access to our advanced member workshops for both English and Norwegian.

    • Discount code for discounts on external workshops and shows

    • Impro Neuf t-shirt

    • Opportunity to take a bigger part in our wonderful and social community


  • Åpen Workshop Norsk (Tirsdag 18-20): åpen, gratis. ingen søknad eller forkunnskaper nødvendig.

  • Open Workshop English (Wednesdays 18-20): open, no application or prior experience required.

  • Medlemmer Norwegian (Tuesdays 18-20): Members only, APPLY TO BE A MEMBER

  • Members English (Mondays 18-20): Kun medlemmer, BLI MEDLEM



Creative projects / kreative prosjekter

  • Want to bring your dream show / workshop concept or similar to Impro Neuf? PITCH US HERE

  • Ønsker du å bringe ditt drømmeshow / workshop-konsept eller lignende til Impro Neuf? PITCH PROSJEKTET HER

MiXer Team / mikser team

  • We form and coach teams of improvisers that want to try performing on stage. At the end of the training, each team gets to play a showcase performance in one of our shows. No experience is required. APPLY TO JOIN A TEAM

  • Vi danner og coacher team av improvisatører som ønsker å prøve seg på scenen. Ved slutten av treningen får hvert team muligheten til å spille en showcase-forestilling i et av våre show. Ingen erfaring er nødvendig. SØK OM Å BLI MED

ENSEMBLE / ensemblet

  • Want to join the ensemble, apply by sending us an email: improneuflovesyou{AT}

  • Ønsker du å bli med i ensemblet, søk ved å sende oss en epost: improneuflovesyou{AT}

External Teachers / Eksterne lærere

Want to teach at Impro Neuf? We have open call for external teachers. Apply by sending us an email: improneuflovesyou{AT} / Ønsker du å undervise ved Impro Neuf? Vi har åpen søknad for eksterne lærere. Søk ved å sende oss en epost: improneuflovesyou{AT}


Do you want take a paid improv workshop and need financial assistance? If you are a member you can apply for the Impro Neuf education grant / Ønsker du å ta en betalt improworkshop, men trenger finansiell støtte? Om du er medlem kan du søke om utdanningsstønad hos Impro Neuf.